
The Lacuna

There is a desire for product that fills a void, and there are many ways to find where the holes are within the space of product you desire to create. For example, in jewelry, boutique and department store buyers try to walk the line of showcasing a range of style while still fulfilling desirability. They define what gaps in their presentation exist and seek to discover product that is both different and will appeal to their customers.

The same exists in the world of handmade markets, both online and brick and mortar.  To determine how much your product would stand out, make sure to search detailed key words that define your product. Browsing what arises, there is an ability to map out how your product will fit amongst the other product that turns up. In live markets it takes a bit more work to physically walk the floor and to see how wide or narrow the range of offerings are for your category.

When the space seems to be quite occupied, I would suggest finding s unique take on your offering or providing customization where possible. Otherwise prepare to be competitive with your pricing structure.

When the space is less occupied (or not at all) prepare to describe your product with key elements and inform your customer of the unique nature of your creations.  Exhaust all available (and affordable) marketing avenues to promote your unique product to the right audience. Don’t forget to protect your work when possible.

If you came to this post and feel you are offering a unique product in your category, please feel free to share it with me in the comments below!

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